Can Cats Eat Lettuce

can cats eat lettuce Cats are very picky eaters, and they usually have a good sense of what they can and cannot eat. When it comes to lettuce, many cats will eat it. Lettuce is neither healthy, or unhealthy for cats.

Outdoor cats will usually supplement their diet by eating grass. The grass helps balance their diet by giving more fibre. Indoor cats do not have the chance to eat grass, so many cats will eat lettuce if you give it to them

Lettuce can help your cat balance out its diet.

Lettuce can also help a cat to loose weight. Because lettuce is filling, if you give it to your cat along side its regular food, your cat will fill up a little on the lettuce. This can help the cat become more lean if it is overweight.

If you have an indoor cat, you should feed it greens along with its regular food to help it maintain its diet.

These cats are loving lettuce:

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