Can Cats Eat Spinach?

can cats eat spinach If you are thinking about giving your cat some spinach leaves, then you should know that spinach can actually be healthy for your cat.

When cats are in the wild, they usually eat different types of grass. Indoor domesticated cats do not have the opportunity to eat grasses, so feeding your cat spinach or lettuce leaves is actually very good for your cat.

The leaves from spinach contain fiber that helps your cat have a regular stool movement, and helps to keep them healthy.

It is actually a common practice to feed indoor cats a few leaves of spinach along with their regular cat food. This not only brings some needed fiber into their diet, but it can also help then stay lean.

Some people use spinach leaves as a way to help their cat diet. The cats can fill up on spinach so that they will eat less of the other food.

That being said, do not replace a large quantity of food with spinach, because cats still need the proteins that are found in their regular food.

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