Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries If you are thinking about giving your guinea pig some strawberries, then you can, jut dont give too much.

Even though guinea pigs can eat strawberries, you cannot feed too many to your guinea pig at once. You shouldn’t give any more than one strawberry per week. The reason behind this is that strawberries are very high in sugars, which can make your guinea pig

  1. gain weight
  2. can cause your guinea pig to become diabetic
  3. can cause indigestion, and diarrhea.

If you decide to go ahead and give your guinea pig strawberries, you should make sure you wash them very well beforehand. Many pesticides that are used on fruits, are harmful to small animals such as guinea pigs, even if they do not harm humans.

Some guinea pigs wil not enjoy the acidic taste of strawberries, so do not be too surprized if your guinea pig takes a small nibble, then walks away.

Just look at how much these guinea pigs enjoy strawberries.

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