8 Surprising Facts Every Pit Bull Owner Should Know

A lot of questions have been raised about pit bulls, with many people even asking why they are called pit bulls. There is a lot of confusion regarding this breed due to sensationalism, misinformation, media attention, and misidentification.

Pit Bull

This post is aimed at clearing some of these misconceptions.

Dogs referred to as pit bulls are a crossbreed between bulldogs and terriers. Five breeds are typically recognized as pit bulls. They are the American Staffordshire terriers, American bulldogs, American pit bull terrier, English bull terrier, and Staffordshire bull terrier.

When it comes to villains in the world of dogs, many might consider the American Pit Bull Terrier the enemy number one. This is due to the misconceptions that people have been having regarding this breed over the years.

Some of these so-called notorious breeds include Rottweiler, Germany Shepherd Dog, Doberman Pinscher, and the American Pitbull Terrier.

Below you’ll find the little known facts about pit bulls that will help you see for what they are.

1.       Their Origin Dates Back to England in the 1600s

Pit bulls are descendants of bulldogs. People were using bulldogs for baiting bull and bear as early as the 1600s. In fact, their name came as a result of their use as bull baiters.

In the mid-1800s, bull baiting was made illegal by people who thought that it was a cruel sport. Those who considered this the right decision decided to do dogfighting instead of bullfighting. To make it more appealing, they agreed to crossbred bulldogs with terriers. What resulted was an animal that a lot of people love and cherish – pit bulls.

2.       Pit Bulls Were Valuable to Early American Immigrants

Pit bulls found themselves in America on ships with immigrants who were searching for greener pastures. Of course, America was not as attractive and developed as it is currently, and survival was a struggle. Due to their protective nature, many found them very valuable.

They protected domestic animals from danger, protected their owners, assisted in hunting and also acted as companions for small kids.

Many American families could have suffered from lack of protection and food if it were not for pit bulls.

3.       Pit Bulls Are Always Persecuted

Because of their fighting history, Pitbulls are misunderstood and are always persecuted in media reports whenever a dog fight is witnessed. It is, therefore, important to train your dog good manners so he can serve as a good ambassador and change this misconception from the public.

4.       They are Generally Healthy Dogs

Pit bulls can live for many years with few health complications. They have a lifespan of 13 to 15 years. The common health problems that affect pit bulls are thyroid problems, skin allergies, bone diseases, and congenital heart attacks.

5.       They Make Great Family Pets

For many years, pit bulls have been a great family pet. But due to misconceptions and negative media reports, these dogs have been misunderstood

A test done by the American Temperament Test Society, Inc., American Humane Association, ASPCA ranked pit bulls as the second most tolerant dogs.

The results also indicated that in many cases where pit bulls were accused of attacking people or livestock, the dog were victims of abuse and neglect. Pit bulls could also behave negatively in situations where they are trained to be aggressive or aren’t trained to socialize.

Basically, pit bulls are as good as bulldogs. If you show them love and train them well, they are loyal and loving pets.

6.       They Like Small but Frequent Meals

Looking at the Pitbull dog, you’ll think he has a very strong appetite. But that is far from the truth. You should feed them 2-4 small meals in a day.

But avoid them meals within one hour after exercise. A grain-free, high-protein diet is recommended.

7.       They are not Good Guard Dogs

Because the majority of pit bulls are friendly to people, they are not the ideal choice if you are looking for reliable guard dogs. If they are not trained to guard, pit bulls are more likely to lick strangers instead of attacking them.

If you intend to use it as a guard dog, your dog will have to undergo many hours of training. If you’re looking for a natural guard dog, you should go for a different breed.

8.       No Need to Hit Your Pit Bull

If your Pitbull misbehaves, a verbal reprimand is enough to discipline it. Instead of hitting your dog, consider giving it obedience lessons and anger management lessons.



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