Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken?

Dogs EatThe Short Answer:

Although dogs can eat raw chicken, it is sometimes not a good idea to be giving it to them.  Many people argue that in the wild dogs will eat raw meat.  THis is very true, however in the wild dogs also contract a lot of diseases, and get sick often.  Chicken is full of bacteria that dies when cooked, but can be very harmful to your dog when alive, because of this many people advise against giving any raw meats to your dog.


More Info:

Humans can eat raw chicken.  Does this mean that you should eat raw chicken?  No.  You have been told that if you do, you can get sick.  Chicken can have salmonella enteritidis, staphylococcus aureus, campylobacter jejuni, and listeria monocytogenes.  These cannot only make your dog sick, but can kill them.  In the wild, if a dog contracts one of these diseases, they will die.  In captivity, you will need to go Raw Chickento the vet, and buy medicine for your pet in order to save it, but depending on your pets immune system,  it could still die.


Should You Give Raw Chicken:

Personally I would never give any raw meat to my dog.  Every meat she eats is cooked.  There are a lot of people who advise “the raw diet” for nutritional values found in meat, but to me, the risk of my dog getting sick is not one I would take.

If you would like to give your dog raw chicken, you can view the video below for how to prep it.

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