Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat WatermelonIf you are wondering if you can give your guinea pig watermelon, you can, but you should remove the watermelon seeds first.

Everyone enjoys having watermelon, and if you are enjoying it, you can also give some to your guinea pig.

If you decide to give some, make sure you remove any seeds prior to giving it. Seeds can cause both a choking hazard, and can potentially poison your guinea pig.

When you feed your guinea pig watermelon, it is best to do so in small pieces, and not in its cage. Watermelon tends to be messy when eaten by guinea pigs, so it is best if you give them small pieces so it does not get their fur wet. It is also good not to give in the cage, in case your guinea pig moves around while eating it, causing it to drip around its cage.

Watermelon should always be given in moderation. It does not contain enough vitamins, or minerals, to cause a positive effect on your guinea pig, and too much of it could give your guinea pig diarrhea.

You should also only feed the red part of the watermelon to your guinea pig. The outside skin should not be given.

Just look at these guinea pigs loving the watermelon they were given!

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